Program Description
Cabral Leadership & Innovation Center is fulfilling its main goals of addressing the needs of the youth it serves holistically through the Center. The Center works to prepare and train youth in the skills needed to progress into young adults.
The program is made up of six primary components: Pro Joven – Peer Mentoring Program, High School Choice Process Assistance, Pro Scholar: College & Career Success Program, Nexus Career Academy - Pro Success, StartUp Joven - Empowering Young Entrepreneurs, Cabral Civic Academy, LEAD - Teen Leaders in Action, Youth Advisory Board - Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders, and Urban Odyssey - Discovering the Heart of the City. Throughout the CLIC programming we instill a multicultural and cross-curriculum approach by incorporating art expression at every level. This overarching component helps to develop a higher level of communication, empathy and discipline that participants need to be competitive both in business and community engagement.