Program Description

Cabral Leadership & Innovation Center is fulfilling its main goals of addressing the needs of the youth it serves holistically through the Center. The Center works to prepare and train youth in the skills needed to progress into young adults.

The program is made up of six primary components: Pro Joven – Peer Mentoring Program, High School Choice Process Assistance, Pro Scholar: College & Career Success Program, Nexus Career Academy - Pro Success, StartUp Joven - Empowering Young Entrepreneurs, Cabral Civic Academy, LEAD - Teen Leaders in Action, Youth Advisory Board - Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders, and Urban Odyssey - Discovering the Heart of the City.  Throughout the CLIC programming we instill a multicultural and cross-curriculum approach by incorporating art expression at every level. This overarching component helps to develop a higher level of communication, empathy and discipline that participants need to be competitive both in business and community engagement.

October 24, 2023

Pro Joven – Peer Mentoring Program

Ages: 12-14 Overview: Pro Joven is an impactful Peer Mentoring Program that facilitates one-on-one interactions between middle school youth (7th-8th graders) and dedicated high school mentors (11th-12th graders). Our program fosters meaningful discussions encompassing academic pursuits, social interactions, and personal growth. This initiative aligns seamlessly with CLIC’s core principles, providing middle school youth with invaluable insights from accomplished role models while affording high school mentors the […]
October 24, 2023

High School Choice Process Assistance

Overview: The Center offers a comprehensive High School Choice Process Assistance service designed to empower 7th and 8th-grade youth as well as parents in their decision-making journey towards selecting the most suitable high school. Our dedicated professionals engage in individual consultations with youth and provide parents with the option of individual or group meetings, facilitating an informed selection process. Key Features: Personalized Guidance: Our youth participants […]
October 24, 2023

“Pro Scholar: College & Career Success Program”

Ages 14-18 High School Mentoring: In the “Pro Scholar” program, high school students cultivate empowering mentoring relationships with experienced adults through the Center. Our dedicated specialists collaborate with youth workers to identify potential mentees, ensuring that every student benefits from a positive mentorship. Mentors are carefully selected based on their association with the Cabral Leadership & Innovation Center, participation in Cape Verdean Student Associations at local […]
October 24, 2023

Nexus Career Academy – Pro Success

Program Overview: The Nexus Career Academy, known as “Pro Success,” is meticulously crafted to equip young individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to connect with diverse career opportunities, including trades. We take pride in providing a holistic perspective on sustainable income pathways, ensuring our participants are well-prepared for both present and future job prospects. Our program comprises a series of progressive seminars and workshops, covering […]
October 24, 2023

“LEAD – Teen Leaders in Action”

Program Description: “LEAD,” which stands for Leadership Excellence and Development, is an exciting one-year program that’s all about empowering teens like you to become community leaders. We’re here to help you turn your passion for making a difference into a career. Through fun leadership training and hands-on group projects, LEAD gets you ready to be a force for positive change in your community while also making […]
October 24, 2023

StartUp Joven – Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

Program Overview: “StartUp Joven” is an entrepreneurial academy, strategically designed to nurture the ambitions of young investors and inventors who aspire to chart their own business path. Building upon the strong foundation of the Cabral Civic Academy, our program is intentionally crafted to empower youth with the essential leadership skills, business acumen, and economic expertise required to transform their innovative concepts into tangible realities. Our Mission: […]
October 24, 2023

Cabral Civic Academy – Empowering Young Leaders for Change

Ages 14-24 Welcome to the Cabral Civic Academy, where we’re all about empowering young leaders like you to make a real impact on your community. We believe that you have the potential to become change agents, and our programs are here to help you do just that. What We’re All About: Our Youth Leadership Development & Civic Engagement programs are all about getting you involved in […]
October 24, 2023

Youth Advisory Board – Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders

Ages 14-24 Program Description: The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a dynamic youth leadership development program that plays a pivotal role as the youth advisory board for Youth CLIC. Within the YAB, team members embark on a journey of personal growth, political education, and community engagement, making a meaningful impact in our neighborhoods. What to Expect: As a YAB team member, you’ll receive comprehensive training in […]
October 24, 2023

Urban Odyssey – Discovering the Heart of the City

All ages Program Description: “Urban Odyssey” invites you to embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant heart of the city, immersing yourself in its rich tapestry of culture, history, and hidden gems. As you explore, you’ll unearth the city’s best-kept secrets and learn the stories that make it come alive. Key Takeaways: Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in the city’s diverse cultures, from its historic neighborhoods […]